North Pacific Coast Lead Entity

The North Pacific Coast Lead Entity (NPCLE) is in Watershed Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 20.  It is administered through a cooperative association, formalized with an interlocal agreement, between the Makah, Quileute and Hoh Tribes, Jefferson and Clallam Counties and the City of Forks. WRIA 20 includes all streams that drain into the Pacific Ocean from Cape Flattery south to, and excluding Kalaloch Creek.  The largest basin in the WRIA is the Quillayute with its four major sub-basins: the Dickey, Calawah, Bogachiel, and Sol Duc Rivers.  Other basins in the WRIA are the Waatch, Tsoo-yess, Ozette, and Hoh systems, as well as several small independent streams.  Within this WRIA are 569 streams and 1,355 stream miles (Phinney and Bucknell 1975). 

The North Pacific Coast Lead Entity (NPCLE) is Washington State’s most recently formed lead entity. It was recognized as a lead entity by the Washington Department of
Fish and Wildlife on March 23, 2007. The geographic area of NPCLE is co-extensive with the boundaries of WRIA 20 in the northwestern area of the Olympic Peninsula (see
Figure 1). Prior to becoming the state’s 27th lead entity, the area was part of the North Olympic Peninsula Lead Entity (NOPLE) which included WRIAs 18, 19, and 20 and a
part of WRIA 17


Strategy Development

The NPCLE is in an interesting state of development. This is because the six initiating governments (Clallam County, Jefferson County, the City of Forks, the Hoh Tribe, the
Quileute Tribe, and the Makah Tribe) have all been participants in NOPLE and have invested significant effort in the development of the NOPLE strategy. There is also
considerable experience and expertise at the various federal, tribal, state, local agencies as well as at the community and stakeholder level that represent a solid understanding
of the physical, biological, cultural, and societal issues that inform habitat protection and restoration actions. On the other hand, NPCLE is a new entity that will require resources
and some time to organize and make effective use of the information at this new geographic scale.

At the same time, NPCLE is an active participant in the Washington Coast Regional discussions that could result in a new regional structure to serve the Grays Harbor Lead
Entity, Pacific County Lead Entity, the Quinault Lead Entity, and North Pacific Coast Lead Entity. While any outcome is speculation at this juncture, the discussions represent
additional uncertainty that underscore the need for NPCLE to define itself in terms of its organization and approach to habitat protection and restoration activities. Finally, the
Lake Ozette Sockeye recovery planning process under the Endangered Species Act has a direct relationship to NPCLE, but it has its own timelines and products that will require
further integration into the lead entity habitat prioritization process.

North Pacific

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North Pacific Sponsors

These are the people – governments, conservation districts, Regional Fisheries Enhancement Groups, non-profits, and others – who get out there and get the work done. These are the real heroes of salmon recovery.

North Pacific Coast Lead Entity

Clallam County

Clallam County Conservation District

Hoh Tribe

Jefferson County

Makah Nation

Pacific Coast Salmon Coalition

Quileute Nation

Wild Salmon Center