Goals for Habitat Restoration
The purpose of the Chehalis Basin Plan for Habitat Restoration is to develop habitat project lists and establish priorities for individual actions in Water Resource
Inventory Areas (WRIAs) 22 and 23 that increase the ability of habitat to fully sustain healthy populations of salmon.
There are three goals guiding this Plan in accomplishing this task. These are to:
1. Contribute to the biological diversity of salmon stocks within the State of Washington;
2. Concentrate efforts on those subbasins within WRIAs 22 & 23 that have the greatest quantity of fish habitat; and
3. Identify and rank general preservation, restoration, and data gap actions within subbasins that lead to the overall goal.
Strategies for Habitat Restoration
The path for making the three goals happen in this Plan lies with its strategies. The Plan relies on a two-part strategy to guide the development of future
habitat project lists.
The first strategy compares all 34 subbasins in the WRIAs with one another to reveal their relative capacity for meeting Goals 1 and 2. The result of this
comparative effort, based upon a set of objective criteria, is a list of high, medium, and low priority subbasins. The practical outcome of this list reveals which subbasins
in the WRIAs will give the “biggest bang for the buck” for habitat restoration in accordance with the Plan goals.